Cadogan Gallery woman with glass woman on phone



Location: orem ipsum dolor sit amet


What  happened: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer egestas ligula ac turpis gravida tempus. Nullam id sem vulputate, fermentum augue ut, tincidunt ante. Mauris aliquam risus sit amet velit euismod ullamcorper. Cras vel imperdiet orci. Sed convallis odio nunc, sit amet faucibus tellus volutpat a.


Mauris imperdiet magna ut libero facilisis luctus. Cras tristique ullamcorper semper.

Barbara Brudenell-Bruce

Barbara is a classic entrepreneur; her career has been defined by a series of iconic start-ups within telecoms, entertainment and fashion. She leads Investor Relations for a London-based consultancy raising capital for entrepreneurs. Alongside financial matchmaking she represents exclusive offline matchmaking agency Vida in London & Monaco, connecting their UHNW clients. Barbara’s innate sense of what it takes to fit people together, with a flair of hosting exquisite events, makes her a social anchor for all that know her.

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November 30, 2015