Step 1: Send us your profile (fully secure).
Step 2: One-off fee for Club Membership (£75). Rendezvous Registration Fee
Step 3: Set up monthly Club membership fee of £25.
Priority on Single tickets to our 10 stand-up mixer parties (priceless.)
Four sit-down dinners per year.
Early-bird invites to our events – avoid the waitlist.
Up to £20 discount per event (value £160 per year)Four exclusive members events per year, like our popular Jazz dinners.
Preferential profiling with Maclynn (Award winning Matchmaking)
Personal introductions
Dublin Liberties Oak Devil Irish Whisky as featured in our Whisky tasting at Boisdale.
Easter chocolate treats from Artisan du Chocolat as featured in our Chocolate, apps and Chat event.
Sipsmith Gin as featured at our cocktails in the city after-party at Bar20 following our Suits you Sir party.
Hi Barbara
I hope you are well and all is good in Monaco. I haven’t booked any recent events because I’ve been dating a lovely man I met at your Bernardi’s event in February. It’s going well and although I’ve love to join in the social aspect of the event below, it just wouldn’t feel right.
Would it be okay to put my membership on hold?
Best wishes
P x
From Barbara
Dear P – that is wonderful news – I am so happy for you. Yes membership can be halted at any time, either you do it by logging into your dashboard or we can do it for you. We will miss you, but I couldn’t be happier. B x