Aquavit – Calling the shots, 16th October
Aquavit London | St James’s Market | London | SW1Y 4QQ
Tuesday 16th October 7pm to 10pm
Gå med oss… join us at London’s coolest Nordic restaurant, this glamorous outpost in stylish St James’ Market has brought the Midas touch to the capital. From the bar stools to the bathroom taps, there’s no corner in this airy, beautiful restaurant that’s not been touched by gold.
There’s another reason to join us, you can enjoy skåling—the Scandinavian drinking tradition of staring at your drinking partner, taking a shot, and looking them in the eye again.
Though its roots are in Scandanavia, Aquavit—a caraway, dill and/or fennel-forward liquor—is steadily gaining popularity here and you can try it with us; in the sumptious surroundings of the Stockholm Room – our private room for the night.
Tickets include a welcome drink, mouth-watering canapés, an Aquavit tasting and a room full of eligible guests.
Without someone to bring? Please ask for a Single Ticket priced at £50.00 by emailing (Numbers are limited to ensure the right mix of guests.)
Lock in the date and invite your friends now for an autumn night you will all remember.
Date: Tuesday, 16th October, 2018
Party Size: 80
Time: 7:00pm – 10:00pm
Cost: Members £60 male/female, single £40 - Non-Members £80 male/female
Dress code: Autumn Sophisticated Casual
Whats included: a welcome drink, mouth-watering canapés.
Password: Shots