Podcast – “Divorce Needn’t be Complicated”

While in Covid-lockdown, Rendezvous chatted to The Divorce Surgery. If you or someone close to you needs advice on divorcing the considerate way, read on.

The Divorce Surgery was set up by Samantha Woodham and Harry Gates both family law barristers who were tired of seeing couples fighting in court; left at the end much poorer, emotionally, and financially.

When it comes to divorce it is an emotional roller coaster. One moment you will perceive ‘I’ve got this’ only to feel upside down and have no idea where to turn moments later. The challenge is often not knowing where to begin. Divorce remains shrouded in stigma; associated with acrimony, stress, and huge legal fees. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

If you do want legal advice but are anxious about cost then consider using a fixed-fee, One Couple One Lawyer service. The Divorce Surgery can direct the disclosure process and provide an expert barrister to advise you both together as to what a court would consider fair.


Listen to Rendezvous talking to The Divorce Surgery



Barbara Brudenell-Bruce

Barbara is a classic entrepreneur; her career has been defined by a series of iconic start-ups within telecoms, entertainment and fashion. She leads Investor Relations for a London-based consultancy raising capital for entrepreneurs. Alongside financial matchmaking she represents exclusive offline matchmaking agency Vida in London & Monaco, connecting their UHNW clients. Barbara’s innate sense of what it takes to fit people together, with a flair of hosting exquisite events, makes her a social anchor for all that know her.

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