Francotastic Wine Tasting Wed. 25th April
Franco’s | 61 Jermyn Street | SW1Y 6LX
Wednesday, April 25, 2018 from 7:00 PM to 9:30
Francotastic Wine Tasting!
If your Italian is a bit rusty we can introduce you to the universal language of wine in the upscale calm of Italian restaurant & Jermyn Street favourite…Francos. Just bring along a single friend or group of friends to our Tasting Party.
While the focus will be on charming rosé wines and featuring British boutique star winery in Provence; Mirabeau. Rosé having become the symbol of British summertime; there will also be a selection of champagne, white and red wines with a focus on Italian. Studious sorts can work your way around the tasting tables with a tasting notebook while wine buffs can show off your knowledge in our wine quiz. The rest of us will be busy catching up with each other or chatting to someone new.
Speaking of showing off, Franco’s will be serving a selection of to die-for-delicious canapés all served by their meticulous staff.
This is corking event and one of our sell-out parties of last year. So, book quickly to avoid missing out on tickets.
Date: Wednesday, 25th April, 2018
Party Size: 60
Time: 7:00pm – 9:30pm
Cost: Members £80 male/female, single £45 - Non-Members £90 male/female
Dress code: Elegant smart
Whats included: wine tasting and canapes.
Password: Wine