Wine and Cheese with Badge

Club Event: Wine & Cheese tasting – Tuesday 10th December

It is no secret that wine and cheese can be taste-bud tingling combination.  But where do you start?

Well, there are no official rules. But there are some combinations that just work better than others. Join 18 Rendezvous Club members in Sth Kensington. We’ll sample a cheese board comprising six of the best seasonal Christmas cheeses all matched to a perfect selection of wines.  This is a seated event for 18 people in a private room at a long banquette table, you’ll have two Rendezvous introducers in the room moving people around so that we maximise getting to know as many people as possible.


Date: Tuesday 10th December

Party Size: 18

Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm

Password: Sent to club members via email



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Barbara Brudenell-Bruce

Barbara is a classic entrepreneur; her career has been defined by a series of iconic start-ups within telecoms, entertainment and fashion. She leads Investor Relations for a London-based consultancy raising capital for entrepreneurs. Alongside financial matchmaking she represents exclusive offline matchmaking agency Vida in London & Monaco, connecting their UHNW clients. Barbara’s innate sense of what it takes to fit people together, with a flair of hosting exquisite events, makes her a social anchor for all that know her.

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